Tuesday, December 13, 2011

accentuating the positives and elimintaing the negatives

ok...so i've tried blogging many times before, but finding something i really wanted to write about or that seemed really worthwhile has been a challenge, however my friend Ilara had been posting on faceboook about negativity and needing more love in the world and someone had commented about the idea that the brain doesn't process the "no" or "not" in front of a word so thinking "no war" your brain processes "war" so it's better to think "peace"...i started thinking "well, how would that be to raise kids with that in mind and to not only use that with our kids but hard wire our whole brain and thinking to eliminate the negative and accentuate the positive". now this will take quite some time and a lot of work since for 35 years my brain has been pretty much trained to be the way it is and unlearning the negative thoughts and reprogramming to think positive and training my 4 and 1/2 year old twins to also focus on the positive could take quite a bit of work...i know when i'm angry i snap into the kind of mode i've always had people react to me...with yelling and aggressiveness, which is going to be a huge hurdle to navigate, but i believe that it can be done.
i'm formulating a plan...my sons and i will do yoga and i'll need to make mediation time for myself as well as doing some journaling and some meditating with the kids and while there are just my sons and i i think we would benefit from "family meetings" and the use of a talking stick, which i will make...i'm also looking into connecting more with our environment and with our food really getting to know our food and food sources better (and eliminating processed foods) as i think that what we eat greatly impacts our moods (partially due to our bodies toxic load and the energetic values of food, etc.). at this point i'm only reiki 1 certified, but would like to work my way up to reiki master and i want to work more with the kids on the reiki energy and reiki training...they are already aces at making reiki energy balls. i found that for the first week or so after receiving my reiki 1 attunements(many years ago) that i was less stressed and less aggressive (aka...much more relaxed and positive). another thing i think would help is to clean out and declutter our home and in fact our whole lives as much as possible (this may take quite some time and lots of baby steps).
people talk about holistic health and i'm a huge fan of holistic health approaches, but i want people to think of parenting holistically as well...nurturing the whole child...their mind, their creativity, their spirit and their body and whole foods and clear clean actions, intentions etc would really help in doing so. i'll be checking back in with progress on our accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative progress and on other radical parenting notions as regularly as i can.