Thursday, April 5, 2012

head cold and sinus/ear infections....

this is a tough week for me...connor started with a slight temp of around 99 degrees at the beggining of the week, and i figured it'd break if we just waited and treated it gently and naturally, but then it went up near 103 two nights in a row, even though it was about 99 during the to the dr we went. ear infection and sinus infection, i called the school to tell them and 15 minutes later they said declyn was cringing and holding his ear while blowing it so they took his temp which was 101!so my mom took him to the dr before bringing him home...double ear infections...then i realised that the sinus stuff i have been fighting was turning into a nasty the whole family is ill, but we are not going to let that keep us down for does take me twice as long to get anything done and the dishes are not getting done today, or yesterday, so i'll HAVE to tackle them tomorrow. i've been doing my best to make simple nourishing foods that the kids might actually eat, but they are being picky and have very small appetites at the moment, so will only nibble far my appetite is not quite as affected, but i feel like my head is in amajor then why am i writting this??? because i said i'd blog on thursdays and i want to stick to my word.
i know what is happening, it's the great spring clean out...i nearly always get a "cold" when i start cleansing and cleaning and clearing out old garbage (physically and emotionally, etc), but i didn't realise that the kids would go through the same thing...i guess we are all going through a spring cleaning...we haven't been doing our yoga, but i intend to get back to that in the next day or two, as i'm sure that it'll help. but i did take a lovely detoxify bath today...i tub full of really hot water (as hot as you can stand) + 1 TBs baking soda + 2 cups epsom salts...soak and relax...the kids wanted to help and i layed down on my stomach in the tub and they poured cups of the water over my back then they both remarked on how nice the tub i realise most families don't bathe together, but when i was little in idaho i remember bathing, and swimming in the creek in the summer to get clean...and i really want my kids to feel comfortable that bodies are bodies and not to be shamed so i said "ok, family tub time!"... they loved it and declyn said "i know no one is supposed to touch my penis but me and i am supposed to be in private, but can i wash it in the tubby?" i said that washing his own was ok, as long as he didn't wash anyone else's or no one else was washing was fun...we all got to hang out together and everyone washed themselves and then we all climbed out of the tub, put our towels on and put our own coconut oil on our bodies, then i got dressed and helped them dress and we had medicine and a light supper. tonigt we are all going to bed early. now the truth is that soon they will defintely be too big physically to take a bath with mommy but i figure that if they see me being uncomfortable about my body and/or about bathing or dressing in front of them it is going to cause them to think negatively about thier own and women's bodies than just telling them which parts are private and not to be groped and touched. my mother was never one to hide her body form us...half the time one of us was taking the shower the whole family would end up in there, s o to me it's not really a big deal, though since my children are boys i think that as they get older i will need to set a few boundries and discuss privacy more.
now i'm off to snuggle my tired little guys and get ready for bed.

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