Sunday, April 1, 2012

making time...

okay, so i've said before that i'm not very good at blogging...i tend to post whenever and not really stick to a schedual. i've had tons of ideas for things to write and then not written them... so i've decided to make time. i'm going to schedual myself some time every week to update my blog. i'm writting this on a sunday, but i'm thinking that thursday nights are usually the best time for me to blog, at least at this point in time.
some other things about making time...i realised that it often seems that i have little time for anything but washing dishes and doing laundry and otherwise clening or spent on tactics to avoid doing cleaning that i don't feel like doing, so i've decided to schedual times for that as well...carve out 30 minutes after dinner each day for doing dishes (also having the kids thier age it is fun to help) and having a specific day, say mondays for laundry. i'm planning to limit time on the computer, for me and limit time watching tv or playing wii for the kids in order to make more time for the things we really want to do.
so i've found some blogs that mention parenting ideas that are pretty much in tune with what i aim to practice and found out about non violent communication and simplicity parenting...both things i want to read more about and work on incorporating into our lives...i hadn't even realised that there were books and blogs out there about the subject, but wow! it's so cool...i think i'll do more about that in another post since connor just climbed up in my lap and fell asleep (he's not feeling well today, so i'm hoping the rest will help him feel better).

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